Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hockey Makes You Tougher...

It looks like "Waikiki Hockey" has caught Olympic fever. With our special "Bizarre Olympic Moments" we haven't done a post on hockey in almost a week. That needs to change.

As any hockey fan knows and this classic advertisement clearly demonstrates….hockey fans aren’t like other fans.

The fans in particular make going to a hockey game such a great experience. It’s so rare you find fans with such a passion for the game. It’s just too bad the players can’t appreciate them more.

Like this guy, he went to the game to cheer on his Oilers in their game against their arch rivals the Calgary Flames. Being a good sportsman he offered Flames assistant-coach, Guy Lapointe a drink and look what these crazy hockey players do:

Or this guy…obviously a huge Rob Ray fan -- who isn’t after all -- decided it would be a good idea to go on the ice to introduce himself to Rob during a game. Talk about an over-reaction.

The Flyer fans in particular get such a bad rap. They are always so well behaved and polite. Like when this fan congratulated renowned meathead Tie Domi on a good fight. A simple thank you would have sufficed but Domi instead gave the fan a face full of water. Luckily, Domi is so soft that no damage was done to the fan.

This kind of behaviour isn’t something that's new either. It has been going on since the 1970’s. A New York fan coming back from the toilet get blind sided by Terry O'Reilly. Shameful.

From looking at these clips, we’ve figured out one thing…going to a hockey game will definitely make you tougher.

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