Sunday, August 31, 2008

YouTube's Best Sport Videos of the Week - Aug 24th to Aug 31st

Another week, another post of the best sports clips on the net. With the Olympics finished, baseball wrapping up the dog days or summer and the NFL, NHL and NBA yet to start it's a bit of a down time in the world of sport. We had to look extra hard but we found a few nuggets out there for you:

  • Not one, but two, sportscasters deciding to dedicate time from their shows to discuss the possibility of Usain Bolt coming to the NFL. Ridiculous.

  • The official trailer for NHL 09 featuring a digitized Dion Phaneuf. We want one.

  • An amazing fight between a female cop and a drunk female fan at Yankee Stadium. We guess tensions are running high with the Yankees close to elimination.

  • Real Men of Genius: Mr. Fantasy Football Manager Guy. We love the line: "You were born with the one skill every manager needs to player fantasy football...absolutely no skill playing actual football." It's funny, cause it's true.

  • In September, Playboy will be sending out their NFL picks directly to your cell phone. We went to their website to see what this was all about but we got side tracked.

  • And this week's Clip O' The Week is from the the Redeem Team celebrating after their gold medal win. All normal until the 50 second mark, where it seems King James is either really drunk or doesn't know his own anthem:

< Last Week <> Next Week >


Anonymous said...

Scientology ads just add quality to your website

Meyerball said...

Yeah that's google for you. Although i'm pretty sure they match ads to the person looking at them so I'm not sure what that says about you.